
Jigoku Shoujo: Mitsuganae

Hell Girl 3, Jigoku Shoujo 3, Hell Girl: Cauldron of Three


After the events of the 2nd season, Ai's three helpers, Ichimoku Ren, Wanyuudou and Hone-Onna live out their lives in relative peace. This is suddenly shattered when Kikuri returns to recruit them. Meanwhile, Ai mysteriously reappears from the dead and uses the body of a young schoolgirl, Yuzuki Mikage, to continue the Jigoku Tsūshin operation. Yuzuki is aware of Ai's presence however, when she can see what Ai sees.

Format TV
Source Original
Total Episode 26 episodes
Rating 7.2
Duration 24 mins
Hashtag -

EP 26 - 26

EP 25 - 1

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