
Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu

mobseka, ชีวิตตัวประกอบอย่างตูช่างอยู่ยาก เมื่ออยู่ในโลกเกมจีบหนุ่ม, Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu


Office worker Leon is reincarnated into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful men have a seat at the table. But Leon has a secret weapon: he remembers everything from his past life, which includes a complete playthrough of the very game in which he is now trapped. Watch Leon spark a revolution to change this new world in order to fulfill his ultimate desire…of living a quiet, easy life in the countryside!

(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

Format TV
Source Light Novel
Total Episode 12 episodes
Rating 7.2
Duration 24 mins
Hashtag -
Studio ENGI

EP 12 - 1

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